✓ We automate recording, reporting, assurance, returns, processes and delivery systems using DIY spreadsheets and broker software £5,7b market. BookDown
✓ We educate and monetize auditable skills with courses by accredited trainers: VOP BBQL-HEART®; Optima IT & Data; Two-Day-MBA; all with VR simulations and or placements for experience in the £7b market. ACADEMY
✓ We automate tasks delivery processes, risk-opportunity sensor-motor, planning, scheduling, assigning, delivery using in-house or broker software £7b market. WorkRose
✓ We monetize skill based assets with inbuilt seed-like architecture, embed shared values, endogenous morality, wisdom actualization and actuators £10b market. INCUBATOR
✓ We automate contracts for marketing and selling goods and services for businesses as brokers; can sell anything £500b market. NETWORKER
✓ We automate catalogs 'menu to ingredients' and vice versa for factories, restaurants, production or processes units £420b market. ALCHEMIST
1. BookDown
BookDown Digital - automates recording, reporting, reviewing, monitoring by template or stencil. Founder's grandfather was nicknamed BookDown for his philanthropy at his farm, allowed families without money to buy food by booking down (on credit account) rather than go hungry. Some never paid back, others would provide labour in exchange for food, and digital records (BookDown) adapted that concept to give temporary pro bono accountants or associates with experience QBE to deliver samples, before gaining paid roles.
2. WorkRose
WorkRose Gwazayi is the global digital desk (delivery tool) that tells staff exactly what to do to deliver contracts : from planning, scheduling, rota assignments, task activity and execution. Also known as GWAZAYI (complete tasks and middle name of founder's father) its strength lies in processes, people, rotas, digital tools and power ten; 10M supplies, 10 situational diagnostics, 10 data entry or collection routes, 10 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 10 deliverable metrics of Sales, Profits, Asset Growth, Cash flow.
BBQL-HEART® MASTERCLASS trains TWO-DAY MBAs, and VOP on bible based endogenous morale values actualized on leap foundations, with seed like architecture and structures. Like minds are important in team building. Accredited trainers post online courses for study and certification like 'Ten second pitch to converts.
Global Network of Consultants - delivers contracts to networkers. BQL-HEART® stands for (Blessed) Business Quantum Leaps (BQL) Holding onto Environment, Assets, Relations and Transactions (HEART®). Innovated business 'growth engines', contract funnels, pipelines and waterfalls use digital technology that automates contracts delivery, recording, reporting and analysis. Network learns Jesus' marketing method namely; 10 seconds invitation method that converts. (5 examples to build on)
INCUBATOR is asset builder that assists 'Skills from Skips' - to be unitized and monetized into legacy assets like (B)BQL-HEART®, building from hobbies, excess or wasted skills so as to gain value inside vaults and incubators designed from individuals' (DNA) unique education, skills, experiences, generational totems, patents, trademarks and nicknames. Asset can be for immediate use, or frozen for later use as pension supplement if one's conventional pensions become unfit for purpose, even as probate for future generations. Assets built using DIY methods sometimes can appear like dirty funds when the built asset sells, but who cares, its better than going hungry or homeless in pension age.
PERSONAL : Luke 2:52 Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and was in favour with God & men is about ZERO tolerance to abuse of self, of God and of others. When King Henry V!!! got excommunicated from the Catholic Church, people loyal to him plotted against Guy Fawkes as way back to persecute Catholics. Celebrated with fireworks every November, the same plot was used as WMD on Iraq, and Jezebel-Ahab team murdering Naboth for his land. Zimbabwe is poorest nation from similar plots after returning Naboth's land back. Personal aspects also focus on children and parents abuses read more>>>
When one has either been out of work for long, or green, finished education with no experience, they need skills tooling or sharpening. With Virtual Reality and simulated training like used by the aviation industry for many years, they can gain 40% skills of actual experience, but using some demo software.
Training offered on partial credit takes each trainee's personal circumstances on one hand, but also demonstrating confidence trainee will land employment and be able to settle the credit account once they start working again. Volunteer or paid mentoring is offered business owners under similar terms. Please make enquiries >>>
The most important aspect in business is ability to market and sell concepts, goods or services. Actual business starts when you sell. Fishers of men was Jesus concept of building on what targeted market people already held. It can be applied to any situation. We help firms identify their fishers of men concept.
Asset Manager Sale, Hire, Buy SPASM |
Educ8, Train, Verified CPD CAPPED |
Contracts, & Marketing | ||||
Plan, Assign, Deliver, Track GWAZAYI WORKROSE | |||||
Records, Reports, Digital Accounts | ||||
Contract 1 :: BBQL-HEART® overview guide 2 Day MBA to open more opportunities.
Contract 2 : Structural set up and reviews based on 12 point stencil or template, working with a Mentor.
Contract 3 : Business cycle set up or review from supplies, production through to sales delivery, with Mentor.
Contract 4 : Actualization Partnership for team ensures every staff member has reinforced wisdom to manage mental health required to face challenges turbulent business environments throw, and audit of last 12 months.
Contract 5 - Entrepreneurship Empowerment for staff to rise from being employees to become business owners via franchise and champions to implement and test BBQL-HEART® activities :-
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GCCS Global Contracts UK Ltd,
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Mobile +44 771 487 3968;